
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Yuran Pelajar di UK

Baru-baru ini aku mendapat email dari university. Email mengenai tuition fee survey. Untuk makluman, UK telah menaikkan universiy fee dari GBP3000 kepada GBP9000 untuk local students pada tahun lepas.

Kenaikan tersebut menyebabkan demonstrasi pelajar di seluruh UK dan paling besar di London.
Rakyat marah kerana salah satu parti dalam kerajaan campuran iaitu Parti 'Lib Dem' meletakkan penghapusan Yuran Pelajar sebagai salah satu manifesto mereka.

Dan apabila mereka menjadi kerajaan, yuran universiti tidak dihapuskan, malah dinaikkan sehingga 3 kali ganda.

Ok berbalik kepada survey universiti yang aku dapat. Email tersebut adalah daripada VP Education, iaitu wakil pelajar (setaraf MPP di Malavsia)

Antara soalan dalam survey tersebut ialah:

If you did vote for the Liberal Democrats, how much of a factor was their position of opposing tuition fees and pledging to oppose any increase in fees?

-Has the coalition Government's decision to raise tuition fees up to £9,000 from 2012 affected your support of the Liberal Democrats?

-Will you vote for them in the next general election?

-If you have decided to switch your vote from the Liberal Democrats which party is more likely to get your support?

Aku tertarik dengan soalan yang diberikan sebab pelajar di sini diberi kebebasan untuk bercakap mengenai politik tanpa perlu risau akan undang-undang atau sekatan dari kerajaan.

Kalau di Malaysia, mereka sudah pasti akan kehilangan kelayakan PTPTN.

p/s- Politik yang matang ialah apabila semua rakyat diberi maklumat yang betul daripada semua pihak.


  1. two things seen here:

    a)a political party's failure to keep their promises after being elected.This happens all around the globe.Politicians of the West, East, Right or Left Wings should walk the talk..not talk and talk and just talk.

    b) Malaysia is a young nation of what,55 years old? It is still working on things that have long been achieved by the developed nations.Changes come in stages - they should. Politics maturity,freedom of speech, fair election, equal opportunity, zero racism, gender equality, political openness etc are not a one day product.They are the products of centuries of thinking, feeling, seeing. Malaysia needs time to change the way the UK n the States are. Come took hundreds of years for the now civilized, modern and open US whites to take Obama to be the 1st African-American president. I believe all above-mentioned will take place in Malaysia one day but Malaysia just needs her time. Give Malaysia her ample time, young man :)

    #Politics maturity? It is when all politicians and voters and citizens can agree/disagree on things that should be agreed/disagreed upon, no matter of which party & whose mouth those things are coming from.yang haq kita nyatakan haq, yang batil kita nyatakan batilnya, tak kiralah siapa pun dia.

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