
Monday, March 21, 2011

We will not go down

Sebuah roadshow Palestin anjuran ISMA Eropah sedang berlangsung di UK sekarang.. Antara tujuan utama roadshow ini adalah untuk mengingatkan kita kembali pada sahabat2 kita yang sedang berjuang di bumi Palestin..

Kempen ini memberi kita 5 cara untuk membantu sahabat-sahabat kita di bumi Palestin
1. Raise the Awareness (mengambil tahu tentang apa yang berlaku di sana sekarang)
2. Give Hands ( Memberi bantuan dari segi wang atau apa cara sekalipun)
3. Boycott Zionist Sponsor ( Mulakan dari diri sendiri)
4. Spread the Word (Sebarkan sebarang info yang anda tahu mengenai Palestin)
5. Make Du'a ( Doakan kesejahteraan sahabat kita di sana)
klik website isma eropah untuk tahu lebih lanjut

A quick facts about ISRAEL:
• Israel was established upon the ruins of another nation that it destroyed; Palestine
• Israel hold the world record in the number of towns & villages it ethnically cleansed...500+
• Israel holds the world record in the number of refugees it deported...4 million +
• Israel is the country with the highest record of UN condemnation...500+ times
• Israel has killed more innocent civilians per capita than any other country...50 thousand+
• Israel has imprisoned more civilians per capita than any other country...250 thousand+
• Israel has rendered more innocent civilians handicapped per capita than any other country...50 thousand+
• Israel has injured more innocent civilians per capita than any other country...200 thousand+
• Israel has only two countries to defend its policies in the United Nations. These countries are America & Micronesia. The population for Micronesia as of June 2008 is only 108,000
• Israel is the only country on Earth whose checkpoints deny women access to hospitals, they give birth alone and babies usually die
• Israel is the only country on Earth who check points schoolchildren, denies them access to school, and puts an end to their classes
• Israel is one of two countries that, against International Law, use cluster bombs and depleted uranium bombs. America is the other...what a surprise huh?
• Israel is the only country on Earth that has a political party that publicly advocates ethnic cleansing of native citizens
-diambil dari pedulipalestina

p/s- teruskan berjuang wahai palestin..doa kami dari sini mengiringi perjuangan kalian..


  1. we will not

    cause we still have our biggest weapon

  2. tegakkan keadilan,
    jgn mengharapkan PBB dan perstuan dunia..
    ramai yg kaki belot dorg,

    sedara kita kat sana perlukan pertolongan kita

  3. eszol : yes betul..selagi kite masih terus berdoa untuk saudara kita di di sana..

    Mr. K: itu lah gunanya peranan setiap individu.. bilangan umat Islam berpuluh kali ganda lebih banyak dari yahudi zionis, tapi mereka masih kekal berkuasa..
